Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Puyallup Fair - Rabbits

I didn't have the greatest time in the 4-H rabbit pavilion. First off I held my finger up to a cage so a bunny could get a sniff. I am not stupid. I did not stick my finger in the cage. But no sooner had I raised my hand than a uppity little eleven year old drunk on 4-H power barked, "Don't put your fingers in the cage." I looked at her and moved along. She sneered after me, "There are, like, signs everywhere, duh." Reeling from shame I continued down the next aisle where, I swear, an APB had been sent out on me. Every little girl with a 4-H badge gave me the stink eye.

Then a rabbit peed on me. We had moved from the regular sized rabbits to the giant rabbits. As we stood gazing in wonder a big beast of a thing hopped in a half circle with his butt to the crowd and sprayed. There was an unfortunate family standing directly in front of his cage and they got kind of soaked with urine. On a hot summer day. With lines a mile long for the restrooms! Matt and I got a few drops on our feet. It could have been worse. In fact I get worse at home on a regular basis. Just ask Russell.

This is the happy sprayer. After he doused everybody I went in for a pic and backed away just as he shot again!


Nathan Crook said...

I'm sitting here in my office at the university imagining the bravado of the announcer over the PA system "Next up at the Puyallup Fair, 4H little girl SMACKDOWN: Michelle edition! Will she get her little finger nibbled off by raisin machine? Will she get drenched in RABBIT URINE? Be the FIRST TO FIND OUT and come on over to the main pavilion--but watch out for the vile smokers sequestered in the 'smoke tent'--and find out FIRST-HAND! Only at the Puyallup Fair!"



JJ said...

I totally want that big white fluff ball with the tufts at the end of his ears. Wonder if the one with the really long ears is afraid to hop because he might trip over them.