Monday, February 2, 2009

Sheep, Sheep, Elk

The mail route was kind of beastly today. That is a joke. See, the mail truck was late and the mail volume was heavy and that made the day, how shall we say? Beastly! So to keep my spirits up while I was delivering I made a special effort to enjoy the "beasts" I met along the way. I must be out of my depression. A depressed person could not laugh at that joke. And yet, here I am chuckling as I write. Anyhoo, today I found these sheep particularly charming. Sometimes when I go past this property the owners have sheep dogs in training so naturally the sheep are running to and fro. Today they had some leisure time.
A little farther along on the route I came upon the neighborhood elk herd. They hang around on South Military and Roth road. We see them pretty regularly. Today they were right up near the road which is unusual and, although they spooked a bit when I stopped the car and aimed my camera, they didn't run, also unusual.On the next road I saw 2 bald (that's for you Drew) eagles circling over a field. Seeing bald eagles will never get old. I don't have a telephoto lens so there was no point in taking a picture. I have tried that before and only end up with smudges on a watery blue background. So, come to WA to visit and maybe you can see one too.


Nathan Crook said...

what? . . . no snow? Lucky!


Michelle said...

No snow! The day I took these it was a balmy 50 degrees outside! Thought of you the other day when I almost slipped and fell on gravel coated with ice. I felt like I was living in ice storm country. Nothing like your amazing pics though.

Nathan Crook said...

Yeah, it's 1 degree out now, and I have to deliver three chapters of the dissertation to my advisor tomorrow morning before 9 AM. It's cold AND f****** miserable here; but I'm looking forward to Friday.


Nathan Crook said...

This morning as I motored away from home, it was -5 with a wind chill of -20.