Why Independant Book Sellers Sometimes Go Out of Business
I am really not trying to jinx our local bookstore (and by local I mean 20 miles north) with this title. But, c'mon people. With the likes of Barnes and Noble, Amazon.com and, in this neck of the woods at least, Costco's book section breathing down their neck you would think that our local purveyors of the written word would avoid section headings like this. If you can't read the section heading by clicking on the photo, it reads:BOOKS THAT WOMEN READ WHEN THEY ARE MENOPAUSAL AND THINKING DEEP, SLIGHTLY CRAZY THOUGHTS
I get that it is meant to be funny. Maybe I must be menopausal to get the joke? I will return in 15-20 years and find out.
This shelf was clearly labeled by a menopausal woman who was thinking deep, slightly crazy thoughts.
I'm wondering if the lower shelf is labeled "books for aging old hippies who used to grow their own marijuana in the corn patch--because the two ‘crops’ grow at almost the same pace and are of similar height--and now are looking for other ways to mess with their minds" cause that would be awesome…awesome!
this made me laugh, thanks, i needed that.
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